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Take the opportunity to clear up any doubts you may have about the health of your elderly pet..
As with people in their ‘Golden age’, our senior pets can develop health issues: kidney, liver, heart, thyroid or cáncer among many others. Rapid detection is very important so that our loyal companion is affected as Little as posible. The best treatment is an early diagnosis. For this reason we have developed a specific campaign for our older pets.
It begins with a series of questions about any small changes you may have noticed, but not given any importance to. However, they can indicate that something is not quite right–examples include weight loss, drinking and urinating more than before, getting more tired than usual.
Then we move on to a complete physical examination including eyes, ears, heart and lungs, dermatological(we can assess any possible growths), muscular, neurological, rectal, genital and dental.
Next we take a Little blood from your pet to do a complete analysis for early detection of any sign of illnesses that can go undetected. We also ask you to bring a urine and faeces sample taken on the day of the check-up to look for any changes or internal parasites.
Finally, given that older animals are more prone to heart problems, we do two digital x rays of the thorax to check the heart and lungs for any possible changes
We advise these tests for the following reasons:
1º.- Many illnesses aren’t visible until they are very advanced.
2º.- Illnesses detected in time are easier to control or cure, improving the quality, and perhaps length, of life of your pet.
3º.- Because it is more economical. An illness detected in its early stages needs less tests for diagnosis, less check-ups to control it and less medication to keep it at bay.
4º.- The best medicine is preventative medicine. Dont wait till an illness develops to act.
Moreover, during May, June and July we are happy to inform you the following are considered ‘senior’…
– Cats 7 years and above,
– Small and médium dogs, 7 years old and above,
– Large dogs 5 years old and above.
They can be seen to benefit from this new service. The reason for the check-up is to help delay the ageing process, improve quality of life and detect any problems at an early stage.
The consultation will be free to all clients who make a specific appointment for their senior pet. It will consist of:
– assessment of any lumps
– sight assessment
– hearing assessment
– mouth/dental assessment
– heart/lung assessment
– changes in behaviour
– changes in movement
– nutritional information.
Not included are any tests, analyses or x rays or any animal who comes for a senior check up who is already ill.
For any further information about the campaign, or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us on 952451242. We are only to happy to help.
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